Thank you. Your complaint has been forwarded to the BBB shown below for handling. Please print out a copy of this page and include it with any attachments sent to the address below. If the information is complete, and the complaint is eligible under BBB guidelines the BBB will send the complaint to the company and request a response. Please allow three to four weeks for the BBB to contact you with the company's response. All follow up inquiries should be directed to this BBB.
Here is a copy of the complaint which you filed. Please save this page (using your browser's save as function), or print it for future reference.BBB of Siouxland, Inc. 505 Sixth Street, Suite 300 Sioux City, IA 51101 (712) 252-4501 (712) 252-0285 Consumer Complaint Form --------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSUMER INFORMATION Mr. Kirby Vandivort 1317 Abram Dr Rantoul, IL 61866 US Phone (day): 2172445711 Extension: Phone (eve.): 2178929403 Fax: email: PIN Number: XXXX --------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPANY INFORMATION Gateway 2000 610 Gateway Drive PO Box 2000 North Sioux City South Dakota 57049 US 800-846-2000 WWW: -------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLAINT INFORMATION Complaint ID: 2699 Product or Service Involved: Computer Laptop Brand/Manufacturer: Gateway Model Name or Number: Solo 2500; P2-233; 13.3" screen Date Purchased: 12/04/98 Order or Account Number#: cust # 16986764 ord # 40684254 Name of Salesperson: Salutation: First Name: Last Name: Nature of Complaint: Problem first occured: 08/29/99 Company contacted on: 09/01/99 Consumer spoke to: Salutation: First Name: Mike Last Name: badge # 76889 Consumer's Description of Complaint: I had the screen on my laptop computer start messing up. (two small gashes appeared on it). The GW2k rep. that I talked to said that it didn't sound like I had broken it and told me to send it in for servicing (under warantee). I sent it in and when I got it back the screen was completely broken and pretty well unusable. Upon contacting them via email they said that they were sorry, etc, and sent me a shipping kit to send it back to them so they could get it fixed. I sent it back and they didn't actually ever fix it. They just sent the laptop back to me unfixed. I have a webpage that I URGE you to look at that has pictures and a complete, much more detailed history of the problem. It is at: I am going to be at a computer conference for the next week, so email is the best way to contact me. Thank you for your time and support. Payment Information: The customer has paid for the product. Currency: US Purchase price: around 2100 Amount in Dispute: 999 + 25s/h + tax Method of Payment: Desired Settlement: other Additional Explanation (if any): I want the screen fixed. It must have been a defective screen.